Ovid C. Amadi, PhD

Ovid C. Amadi, PhD

Managing Director, Research Analyst
Robert Aurigema

Robert Aurigema

Partner, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer
Scott Band, CPA

Scott Band, CPA

Senior Director, Tax
Matthew Bieret

Matthew Bieret

Managing Director, Finance
Paula Boone, CPA

Paula Boone, CPA

Management Company Controller
Mike Christman

Mike Christman

Managing Director, Operations
Lauren Cuje

Lauren Cuje

Managing Director, New Ventures
Sarah Dean

Sarah Dean

Chief of Staff to President
Zach Feller, CPA

Zach Feller, CPA

Peter Fong, PhD

Peter Fong, PhD

Partner, President
Sarah Garwood

Sarah Garwood

Director, Community Engagement, RTW Foundation
Nehal Gosalia, PhD

Nehal Gosalia, PhD

Research Analyst, Director of Genetics
Sean Haggerty

Sean Haggerty

Managing Director
Julia Enright Harper

Julia Enright Harper

Director, Investor Relations & Business Development
Lorrie Herbert, CPA

Lorrie Herbert, CPA

Director of Valuations
Charlotte Jorge

Charlotte Jorge

Asset Selection Executive Assistant
Joe Katakowski Ph.D

Joe Katakowski Ph.D

Director, Research, RTW Foundation
Tera Kelley

Tera Kelley

Firm Services Executive Assistant
Joshua Kennedy-Smith, PhD

Joshua Kennedy-Smith, PhD

Partner, Research Analyst
Kristina Koskinen

Kristina Koskinen

Asset Selection Executive Assistant
Michelle Krinke

Michelle Krinke

Head Trader
Christopher Krone, CPA

Christopher Krone, CPA

Director of Finance, Family Office
Matt Lane

Matt Lane

Fund Accounting Associate
Samantha Larsen, PhD

Samantha Larsen, PhD

Associate, New Ventures
Alice Lee, JD

Alice Lee, JD

Senior Counsel
Lauren Lee, PhD

Lauren Lee, PhD

Research Analyst
Yuantao Li, PhD

Yuantao Li, PhD

Research Associate
Chris Liu, PhD

Chris Liu, PhD

Senior Research Analyst
Sabera Loughran

Sabera Loughran

Partner Emeritus, Founding COO and CFO
Paul Lu, PhD

Paul Lu, PhD

Managing Director, Head of Corporate Development
Gotham Makker, MD

Gotham Makker, MD

Partner, Head of Strategic Investments
John Maraganore, PhD

John Maraganore, PhD

Executive Partner
Christina Mastrangelo

Christina Mastrangelo

Executive Assistant, Family Office
Lindsay McBride

Lindsay McBride

Corporate Access Coordinator
Krisha McCune

Krisha McCune

Director, Investor Relations, RTW Biotech Opportunities
Mirabelle Mi

Mirabelle Mi

Head of China Market Research
Abdi Moazami

Abdi Moazami

Senior Director, Compliance
Sam Na

Sam Na

Senior Director of Valuations
Tony Nguyen

Tony Nguyen

Partner, Research Analyst
Michael Norman

Michael Norman

Vice President, New Ventures
Deirdre O’Donnell

Deirdre O’Donnell

Vice President, NewCo Operations
Daniela Ortega Toro

Daniela Ortega Toro

Research Specialist
David Pan

David Pan

Head of Family Office
Irene Park

Irene Park

Research Analyst
Dar Patel, JD

Dar Patel, JD

General Counsel & CCO
Danielle Petras

Danielle Petras

Executive Assistant to the Managing Partner
Teysha Popescu

Teysha Popescu

Office Manager
Piratip Pratumsuwan

Piratip Pratumsuwan

Managing Director, Research Analyst
Stefan Prendergast

Stefan Prendergast

Senior Research Analyst
Ilke Roelofse, PhD

Ilke Roelofse, PhD

Research Specialist
Kelly Scholtz

Kelly Scholtz

Marketing, IR Coordinator
Chris Seiter

Chris Seiter

Chief Corporate Finance Officer
Ryan Sherman, CPA

Ryan Sherman, CPA

Director, Finance & Operations
Shalini Sinha

Shalini Sinha

Managing Director, Head of Human Resources
Stephanie A. Sirota

Stephanie A. Sirota

Partner, Chief Business Officer
Woody Stileman

Woody Stileman

Managing Director, Business Development
Musa Sukalic

Musa Sukalic

Senior Associate, IT
Jamie Lynne Sullivan

Jamie Lynne Sullivan

Senior Talent Acquisition Associate
Lina Tseng

Lina Tseng

Asset Selection Executive Assistant
Zoe Tsuchida

Zoe Tsuchida

Senior Director, Client Service
Connor Williams

Connor Williams

Senior Research Analyst
Marti Speranza Wong

Marti Speranza Wong

President, Community Engagement, RTW Foundation
Roderick Wong, MD

Roderick Wong, MD

Managing Partner, Chief Investment Officer
Sabrina Xiao

Sabrina Xiao

Director, OMNI Research
Naveen Yalamanchi, MD

Naveen Yalamanchi, MD

Partner, Portfolio Manager
Yasee Zahedi

Yasee Zahedi

Associate Counsel
Jingqing Zhang, PhD

Jingqing Zhang, PhD

Vice President, New Ventures
Anisha Soni

Anisha Soni

Client Service Associate
Cade Himmel

Cade Himmel

Operations Associate
Devon Taylor Leaver

Devon Taylor Leaver

Senior Associate, Brand Experience
Vincent Masto, PhD

Vincent Masto, PhD

Research Associate
Paiton Marshall

Paiton Marshall

Corporate Finance Associate
Sweeny Pillot

Sweeny Pillot

Executive Assistant
Kieran McKeon

Kieran McKeon

Valuations Associate
Ram Modh

Ram Modh

Research Associate
Mari Tikoyan

Mari Tikoyan

Research Coordinator
Luna Ji, MD

Luna Ji, MD

Gabrielle Gioscia

Gabrielle Gioscia

Executive Assistant
Kayla Jones

Kayla Jones

Ying Wang

Ying Wang

Managing Director, Business Development
Luc Ghaleb

Luc Ghaleb

Daniel (DJ) Wendler

Daniel (DJ) Wendler

Royalty Associate
Samantha Darris

Samantha Darris

Communications Manager
Sonia Mitchell

Sonia Mitchell

Director of Property Management, Family Office
Annabelle Chan

Annabelle Chan

Social Media Manager

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