Our strategy

Transforming the lives of millions

Our long-term strategy is anchored in identifying sources of transformational innovations by engaging in a deep scientific research and rigorous idea generation process, which is complemented with years of financial investment, company building and legal expertise.

Identify transformational innovations

We have developed expertise through our comprehensive study of industry and academic efforts in targeted areas of significant innovation. Thanks to the genome, there is more clarity around the causes of disease. Coupled with new exciting modalities that can address genetic diseases in a targeted way, drug innovation is accelerating.

Engage in deep research and unlocking value

We have developed repeatable internal processes combining technology and manpower to comprehensively cover critical drivers of innovation globally. We seek to identify biopharmaceutical and medical technology assets through rigorous scientific analysis that have a high probability of becoming commercially viable products and can dramatically change the course of treatment and in some cases bring effective and/or full curative outcomes to patients.

Build new companies around promising academic licences

We have the capabilities to partner with universities and in-license academic programs, providing capital and infrastructure to entrepreneurs to advance scientific programs. Particularly working in rare diseases, often areas with little existing research and treatment options, means that forming a rare disease-focused company is a way of shining a light on this space and creating a roadmap to eventually developing a curative treatment.

Support full lifecycle investment

A key part of our competitive advantage is the ability to determine at what point in a company’s life cycle we should support the target asset or pipeline. As a full lifecycle investor, we can provide growth capital, creative financing solutions, capital markets expertise, or guidance through investing our time and sharing our collective experience as directors and stewards of tomorrow’s most exciting and innovative companies.

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