RTW Biotech Opportunities Capital Markets Day 2023 – Introductions, “Why RTW? Why Biotech? Why Now?” Panel and Closing Remarks

RTW Biotech Opportunities Capital Markets Day 2023 – Introductions, “Why RTW? Why Biotech? Why Now?” Panel and Closing Remarks


On the 14th November RTW Biotech Opportunities Ltd hosted their first Capital Markets Day, a day of panels and exciting discussion from guest speakers and hosts. 

In the video below we share the introductions and opening remarks from Woody Stileman, Managing Director of Business Development at RTW Biotech Opportunities, the second panel discussion titled "Why RTW? Why Biotech? Why Now?" and finally closing remarks from Stephanie A. Sirota, Non-Executive Director at RTW Biotech Opportunities and Chief Business Officer at RTW Investments.

Introductions, Panel 2 "Why RTW? Why Biotech? Why Now?" and closing remarks.